31,989 words
by: littleheichou, taintedsuns
(AU - High School, Porn With Plot, Hate Sex, Council Vice President, Detention, Enemies, Fluff, Blindfolds, Handcuffs Semi-Public Sex 🔞)
Damn this was so hot and sexy?! Wew!!! The endless banter between Taekook haha..but the truth is they are just totally whipped for each other HAHA!! And that scene where I thought they will be caught doing the deed hahaha!
“Yeah, one of the bushes down the road, maybe.”

71,236 words
by: Obliviatae
(Neighbors, Hate to Love, Slow Burn, Character Development, Falling In Love, Slow Build, Angst, Fluff, Light Angst, Intimacy, Communication, Opposites Attract, Teasing, Developing Relationship, Childhood Trauma, Past emotional abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death 🔞)
AHHH..this was so cute!! I love how confident JK is here...the way he always tease Tae to sleep with him haha!! And omg I can't imagine Tae in the first few chaps..HAHA! That must be exhausting hahaha..It'll definitely be one of my comfort fics..it'll uplift your spirit after reading this coz Taekook is just too cute!!! I love their endless banter.. and OMG the fluff..ahhhh my taekook heart.. <3
"I know you didn't do anything but love me, but you really changed my life for the better."

48,169 words
by: euphoricdysphoria
(Rivalry, Sexual Tension, Bickering, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Light Angst, Denial of Feelings, Idiots in Love, Teasing, Attempt at Humor, Character Development 🔞)
This was a heartwarming story.. I can really imagine Tae running away from angry Guk HAHA! Their non stop bickering and the very obvious sexual tension hihi! Tae was so cute too..his endless love for animals especially for bunnies haha!
“I was insecure and you were confident and attractive and sure of what to say and the only conclusion that I came to was that I had to be better than you. That what you had I had to have as well, and much more. So I started to see you as my enemy rather than my inspiration.And honestly, that didn’t change over the years, even as we both got older. I never allowed myself to question what I was doing and saying, I just wanted to prove you wrong and make you see that my values were right, that I had been the confident one all along.”

51,076 words
by: thestarsabove
(pride and prejudice au, Homophobia, Sexual Harassment, Fluff, Angst 🔞)
OMG..that was a journey..a perfection! The pacing, characterization..and the sexual tension between Taekook ahhhh!! I really love the way the writer incorporated all of the elements of PP and meshed it with Taekook personalities. It's so them but it's so gay HAHA!
"They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but sometimes, fate does you a solid and gives you someone who’s willing to take a second look. Someone who won’t get out of your way, who blocks your path until you realize you’re not supposed to go around them - you’re supposed to take them with you."

52,232 words
by: lumalaya
(AU - Summer Camp, AU - Teenagers, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Coming of Age, Growing Up, Sharing a Bed)
This was such a nice read..so heartwarming..Taekook are just so cute and adorable in this fic..I'm so glad that they finally confessed and even got to go to New York together! I can imagine them starting their new life together living in the same city.
"It makes him burn from the inside, and if he goes on like this, he might burst into flames until he is nothing but dust."

71,518 words
by: inakkum
(AU- Bodyguard, AU - College/University, Action & Romance, Gun Violence, Blood and Injury, Murder(it is not too graphic), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Past Character Death, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt, Unreliable Narrator 🔞)
Phew! That was such a journey! Bodyguard Jungkook who's like a daredevil was freakin HOT haha! And bratty sassy Tae will always be iconic!! I love how their love story slowly progressed but ngl I felt sorry at first for JK when he was pining for Tae..I love this..it felt like I was watching a movie...
"Jungkook can't be sure, but he thinks falling in love is both beautiful and direful."

60,058 words
by: sassyneki
(Stepsiblings, AU- College/University, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Family Issues, Pining, Emotional Constipation, Slow Burn, Attempted Sexual Assault, Character Development, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Open Ending 🔞)
AHHH... I'm so speechless with how unique and good the plot was.. It's so out of the normal kind of?? JK's character really stood out for me coz he really encouraged Tae to do things for himself, not for others and be happy and also he's ready and willing to give up everything to be with Tae. Their love story was so beautiful yet so painful with all that had happened. If you love angst and twisted story this is for you. But please do read the tags before reading this because some maybe uncomftable with Taekook's relationship situation or some may find this disturbing in some way? But OMFG I don't know maybe because I love angst so I was so intrigued by this.. It has actually a sequel although the writer haven't finished it yet. It's a must read for me!!!
"When we move out, I will miss you. I already do."

22,706 words
by: jhopeg
(AU - High School, Bad Boy, Nerd Kim Taehyung, Spanking 🔞)
Their dynamics in this story was cheff's kiss!!! AHH!! They were too adorable and just two idiots in love!! I love the idea of an inexperienced Tae with Guk who had many hook ups before. I'm still shookt about what happened between them before Tae graduated. But I'm happy how it all turned out in the end!!!
"He makes me want to be better."

29,058 words
by: silkscreens
(Childhood Friends, Mutual Pining, AU - College/University, Some Degradation, Mentions of abusive parents, Fluff, Angst, Idiots in Love, Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, Sort Of 🔞)
Haaaa! The first thing that really came to my mind was that tiktok fanart vid of taekook dancing.. HOLY!!! They were this taekook!!! Ahhhh!! This was such a good and light read.. Like the cool breeze on a sunny summer day… The writing style is so beautiful that I really felt the emotions that the author was trying to tell us readers.. Every word is so poetic that it makes my heart flutter.. And it breaks my heart to know that Tae spent many nights with Hoon where JK can hear them huhu.. I can’t imagine the pain and the longing not only for Guk’s side but even for Tae.. I’m just glad that they found their way back to each other’s arms.
“Jeongguk always loved to be around him. He’d rather spend one day with him than a lifetime around someone else.”

122,777 words
by: taekookcore
(Dancer, Hate to Love, Rivalry, Age Swap, Angst, Like loads of it, Jealousy, Dysfunctional Family, AU - Competitive Dancing, Minor Character Death, Mild mention of terminal disease, Requited Unrequited Love, Domestic Fluff, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Mutual Pining, Sexual Tension, Humor, Mentions of Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn 🔞)
Das ist so wunderbar!!!! Taekook not only as rivals in dancing but literally enemies that became lovers.. Yes, sign me up! And OMG that scene with Jeongguk being jealous!?!?! Jeonlous supremacy haha!! I was also happy to read a few german dialogues and I can really imagine Tae’s face when he saw Hannes and JK talking in german. Oof! And the angst!!! I teared up when Tae felt so helpless and hopeless when JK left...huhu..
“Why can’t you just understand when I say that I’ll leave the entire fucking world behind but I don’t want to let go of you anymore.”
“After all this time, everything that we’ve gone through, I’m still so fucking into you. I’ve always been.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )